Rolling & Throwing for Histio- #TeamHudson profile picture

Rolling & Throwing for histio

A personal campaign sponsored by Rolling & Throwing for Histio- #TeamHudson

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We are raising critical funds for rare histiocytic disorders in honor of my three year old son,Hudson, who is an RDD warrior. Hudson has had two surgeries to remove enlarged, painful lymph nodes in his groin caused by RDD. Th am fully he is doing well right now but not all warriors are so lucky. It’s up to us to raise funds for research so our warriors can have a better future. 

And YOU can help!

Histiocytic disorders are a group of diseases that occur when there is an over-production of white blood cells known as histiocytes that can lead to organ damage and tumor formation. This group is made up of a wide variety of conditions that can affect both children and adults.

While the search for more effective treatments and, ultimately, a cure continues, the Histiocytosis Association is dedicated to supporting and empowering the patients and families who live with these devastating diseases every day.

Please help us reach our fundraising goal. Make a gift today!

Thank you for supporting us and the Histiocytosis Association.
