Avalon's Story: 

Avalon's histio story started in July of 2019 after her infant brother, Hudson, had surgery to remove a dangerously enlarged lymph node in his groin. It was a week after surgery that Avalon and her family learned that her baby brother had a rare disease called Histiocytosis. Hudson was diagnosed with Rosai Dorfman Disease (RDD) which is one of the forms of histio.

While Avalon was just 10 years old when Hudson was diagnosed, she knew immediately she wanted to help her parents in any way possible to help her baby brother. Avalon was confused, scared, and angry but she was also very strong.  She held Hudson's hand at his ER trips and doctor appointments and helped comfort him after his surgeries and procedures to fight his RDD. When her mom decided to make awareness shirts and start fundraising to help fight Histio, Avalon was right by her mom's side every step of the way, making flyers, posters, hosting a lemonade stand, and reaching out to businesses for support.

Avalon is now 15 years old and is the second Histio Youth Ambassador for the Histiocytosis Association. Despite having her own health struggles due to her auto immune disease, it is her mission to continue to stand by her brother's side and help fight for a cure for histio. She plans on doing this by helping to raise awareness about Histio and to have fundraisers to raise much needed money to help support the association in its mission to find better treatments and one day, a cure, for Histiocytosis. Avalon hopes to become a pediatric nurse in the histio oncology office where Hudson is being treated at Texas Children's Hospital. 

Please consider helping Avalon reach her goal of raising $2500 for Histio!! Together we can help find a cure for histio! Thank you.