November 14th 2019 marks the 3rd anniversary of our beloved brother Patrick’s passing.
Known to his family as “Patsy”, so tall and handsome, with twinkling blue eyes, big smile and huge charisma. Always kind, of clever wit and mind, sarcastic, unassuming, compassionate, an animal lover, a passion for great music, his children and family, an avid reader, nature lover, playful and fun, wearer of graphic T’s and jeans, lover of old comedies, humble and courteous to the end.
Patrick was only 43 years old and had so much to live for.
He died after a short illness from a very rare auto-immune disease called Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH).
This disease that stole our brother is often referred to in either the primary or secondary form.
Primary - affecting young infants and children who inherit a defective gene from either or both parents Familial HLH (FHLH)
It was the secondary form that Patrick suffered from, with no family history of this disease; it is associated with infections, viruses, vaccinations and cancer. Tragically, the mortality rate is quite high with this disease, even in spite of adequate treatment and is estimated to occur in 1.2 cases per million!
Very little is known about it and affects fewer than 200,000 people, and is thus considered as an “Orphan” disease.There is limited government funding for research. The Histiocytosis Association relies on contributions, fundraisers and donations to conduct critical research build awareness and conduct outreach initiatives.
Please help us honor our Beloved Patrick, by donating today and help make a difference for other families.
On behalf of the entire Shields family, thank you for supporting Patrick’s memorial and the efforts of the Histiocytosis Association.
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