Pease Family to support Histiocytosis Research profile picture

In Memory of George Pease

A personal campaign sponsored by Pease Family to support Histiocytosis Research

February 28, 2021

Support Me

George Pease Memorial Tribute in Honor of Konrad Pease

To commemorate the passing of our father, George Pease, we would like donations to support Histiocytosis research.

George loved all his grandchildren, but Konrad held a special place in his heart because of his illness. 


Pictured above: (left) Konrad in 2005 after diagnosis, scooting around Seattle Children’s Hospital; (right) Konrad in 2018.

YOU can help!

Histiocytic disorders are a group of diseases that occur when there is an over-production of white blood cells known as histiocytes that can lead to organ damage and tumor formation. This group is made up of a wide variety of conditions that can affect both children and adults.

While the search for more effective treatments and, ultimately, a cure continues, the Histiocytosis Association is dedicated to supporting and empowering the patients and families who live with these devastating diseases every day.

Thank you for supporting the Histiocytosis Association in memory of our father, George.

The Pease Family
